Minutes of meeting held on 11th November 2004 at 15.30 PM at the Registered Office of The Accessible Friends Network

47 Hanley Road
Priory Road
HU5 5SS.

Members Present

  • Chris Cant Chairman
  • Steve Pallett Vice Chairman
  • Audrey Tonge Secretary
  • Geoff Grant Treasurer
  • Leon Gilbert Webmaster

Others present at Registered Office

Christine Cant Membership Secretary, Sue Pallett, Shirley Grant.

Others present on Voice conferencing server.

Avtar Dahaley, Jill Storey, Jaye Ayres, Keith Waters, Peter Beasley, Peter Hallam, Roann Clarke, Steve Spamer, Tony Franklin.


Dave Kent

Chairman’s Opening Remarks

Chris said that he was pleased to welcome everyone to this first Annual General Meeting and was pleased to see so many there.

Minutes of Special Meeting

The members were asked if all agreed with the minutes of the special meeting held on 28 October in which the Committee were officially elected. Peter Beasley proposed that they be accepted and Peter Hallam Seconded the motion.

Matters arising from the Special Meeting Minutes


Clause to accept Associate Members

Leon read the clause that was proposed to be introduced into the constitution to allow associate membership from Non UK participants in the group. A vote was then taken to see if the membership agreed to this. The Motion was carried by a majority vote of 11/4 in favour. Steve Spamer asked who had raised the motion to include non UK members, Geoff said that he had raised the point after several conversations involving various people who had expressed a keen interest to be involved. Steve Spamer asked if the For The People website had been involved in the proposal of the motion, he was advised by Chris that this was not so.
Life Membership
The Members were asked if they felt that a life membership was to be included as an option, this fee would be £30.00. This was put to the vote and was passed with an overwhelming majority.

Annual Report.

Leon and Shirley then read the annual report and the members were asked for comment, Peter Hallam said that he Thought it very well put together and all agreed. Peter Beasley Proposed that the report be adopted and Jill Storey seconded the motion.


Certificates of recognition were then given out to Christine Cant and Sue Pallett, Christine for her work as Membership Secretary and Sue for her outstanding work on the Cookery Page of the Website.

Any Other Business

Steve Spamer raised the matter of the constitution and asked if it was a legal document, he was advised by Audrey that it had been taken from a model document supplied by the Charities Commission and then adapted to suit our individual need. It was explained that this document now has to be passed by the Charities Commission and if it is not totally legal we will be advised accordingly.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 16.40.
All relevant documentation was then signed by all Committee members present.
Audrey Tonge
For and on behalf of The Accessible Friends Network, Executive Committee
further details please contact the TAFN Secretary.