Held Sunday 19th February 2006 at 3:30 PM at the residence of the
elected Chairman Mr Steve Pallett.
Those present at the meeting
- Steve Pallett Chairman
- Audrey Tonge Secretary
- Geoff Grant Treasurer
- Leon Gilbert Webmaster
Jaye Ayres, Shirley Grant, Sue
Those Present via the Internet
Chris Payne, David Cooper, Ian White, Irene Elborne, Janis Taylor, Jill
Storey, Jim Bradley, John Hoschander, Keith Waters, Lee Garrett, lilian
Stubbs, Loraine Harford, Maggie Norton, Margaret Hoy, Margaret Cooper,
Mark Tyler, Mary O’Rourke, Michael Brown Mike Payne, Miriam Raymond,
Pam Scott, Peter Beasley, Peter Hallam, Robert Whiteside, Rosemary
Bradley, Sharon Bowle, Teresa Payne, Wendy Mitchell, Will Stewart.
Caroline Tobias, Janet Mortimer, Roann Clarke, Simon Doy, Martin Tonge,
Avtar Dahaley.
Chairman’s Welcome
Steve welcomed everyone to the meeting and said it was good to see so
many with us and also good to meet the other committee members in
person again. Steve said that the meeting should have taken place in
November, but as all were aware it was not possible then. Steve hoped
that all would find this meeting interesting. Steve hoped everyone
enjoyed the meeting.
Minutes of Previous AGM
Steve Pallett said that this AGM a lot of the members will not remember
as they joined us after the event, he asked that anyone who had been
present at the previous meeting could propose the motion that these be
passed as a true record of the event. Christine Cant Proposed and Leon
Gilbert Seconded.
Matters Arising
Minutes of Special Meeting
Steve Pallett asked if someone would propose the motion that these
minutes were a true record of the proceedings, Ian White proposed and
Robert Whiteside seconded.
Matters Arising from the Special Meting
Chris Payne commented that it was interesting that the people that had
raised the objections at the last meeting were not present at this
meeting. Steve Pallett thanked Chris for the comment and asked if
there were any matters arising from the minutes. There were none.
Annual Report
Leon and Shirley then read the Annual Report, this can be viewed as a
separate document.
Amendment to Constitution
Audrey read the following amendment to the constitution.
Original Clause
4. Associate Members
Membership shall also be open to any Blind or Partially Sighted person
from outside the United Kingdom, hereby to be known as associate
Members. These members will be given the opportunity to make voluntary
donations to the charity. They may be present at any general meeting or
Annual General Meeting as observers, but will not have voting
privileges. They will not have access to any records held by the
Charity and may not be nominated for any position on the Executive
Committee. The Charity reserves the right in future to charge a nominal
fee for Associate membership to be agreed by the members.
Amended Clause
4. Associate Members
Membership shall also be open to any Blind or Partially Sighted person
from outside the United Kingdom, hereby to be known as associate
Members. These members will be given the opportunity to make voluntary
donations to the charity. They may be present at any general meeting or
Annual General Meeting as observers, but will not have voting
privileges. They will have access to documentation held on the website,
but may not be nominated for any position on the Executive
Committee. The Charity has the right to charge a nominal fee for
Associate membership to be agreed by the members.
Audrey explained that the members indicated at the last general meeting
that they were willing to accept this change, she explained that we now
needed someone to propose the motion that this clause be accepted.
Mark Tyler proposed and Keith Waters seconded.
Any Other Business
Steve Spamer asked if it was still a fact that people should be using
both their first and second names on Ventrilo. Steve Pallett said that
nowadays we are allowing both surnames and the initial letter of the
surname as some people strongly object to having their full name on the
server. Steve Spamer Thanked Steve Pallett for the explanation.
End of Meting