Held Sunday, 18th November, 2007, at 3:00 PM,
at 1 Ridgedown,
Redbourne, St Albans, Herts., [The residence of the elected Chairperson, (Mrs Audrey Tonge)].
Those present at the meeting:
- Audrey Tonge Chairperson
- Robert Whiteside Vice Chairperson
- Christine Brown (Secretary
- Chris Payne Treasurer
- Leon Gilbert Webmaster
Andrew Payne, Jeanette Whiteside, Jaye Ayres, Martin Tonge, and Michael Payne.
Those Present via the Internet:
Andrew Payne, Andrew Jinks, Ann Flynn, Gregory Turner, Ian White, Irene Elbourn, Jill Storey, Jim Bradley, Jim Welch, Jim Lidstone, John Hosch, John Snowling, Judy Watford, Katie Reay, Lee Garrett, Pam Scott, Mary O’Rourke, Peter Hallam, Richard Wilkin, Rosemary Bradley, Steve, Sue Pallett, Teresa Payne, Trevor Franklin, Wendy Mitchell, and Will Stewart.
Amanda Burt, Gladys Taylor, Paul Weston, Peter Beasley, and Shirley Grant.
Prior to the commencement of the AGM, Audrey Tonge asked that a one-minute silence be observed in tribute to two respected and valued members of TAFN who had, sadly, passed away during the year – Geoff Grant, previous Treasurer , during May, and Dick Craig, during January, both of whom were sorely missed.
2.Chairman’s Welcome
Audrey Tonge welcomed everyone to the fourth Annual General Meeting of TAFN. Then, on behalf of the Executive Committee and TAFN Members, Audrey officially welcomed Christine Brown to the position of Secretary of TAFN. She explained that Christine had been seconded onto the Executive Committee and helping with secretarial duties, in an unofficial capacity, during the last month.
3.Minutes of Previous AGM – held 19th November, 2006
Due to a technical issue, those present had not been able to read the minutes for themselves. therefore the document was read to the meeting by Leon Gilbert, Michael Payne, Janette Whiteside, and Christine Brown; after which, Audrey Tonge asked if someone could propose the motion that the minutes were a true record of the proceedings. The motion was proposed by Andrew Payne and seconded by Jim Welch.
4.Matters Arising from the Minutes
Mary O’Rourke raised a question as to when the certificates were despatched (Minute 9. refers.), as she had noted that her name had been listed for an award but had not received her certificate. Audrey Tonge said that the certificates had been despatched approximately one month following the AGM, but a duplicate copy would be forwarded to Mary.
5. Annual Report
Leon Gilbert, Michael Payne, Christine Brown and Jeanette Whiteside then read the Annual Report. This can be viewed and heard as a separate document on the TAFN Website.
Audrey Tonge thanked the team of readers for their heroic efforts in reading the lengthy Report and requested a proposal of its being accepted as an official document.
Irene Elbourn proposed, and Jim Welch seconded, that the Annual Report for 2007 should be accepted as an official document.
6. Acknowledgement of volunteers
In recognition of the time and dedication given by the volunteers, a TAFN Certificate was presented to each of the following members:
Irene Elbourn, for her dedication and production of accurate minutes of the Members’ Meetings during the last year;
Teresa Payne, for her contribution to the Friday Night Quiz as Score Mistress, plus the work she does in helping her husband (Chris) in running the Bonus Ball twice weekly, and the 2007 Auction;
Christine Brown, in recognition of her voluntary work on the Events Committee;
Katie Reay, in recognition of her contribution to the Events Committee and organisation of the Sunday Music Nights;
Trevor Franklin, for the organisation and running of the Charitable Race Night, and also for his contribution to the Publicity, Finance, and Events Sub-Committees;
Jim Welch, for promoting TAFN to the general public, as well as his contribution to the Liaison, Publicity, and Finance Sub-Committees;
Ian White, for his contribution to the Publicity, and Finance Sub-Committees, and plus hosting the Ian and Geoff’s Sunday Night Jazz Club Music Event;
Lillian Stubbs, for her contribution to the Publicity and Finance Sub-Committees;
Andrew Payne, for co-hosting the MUD Event on Tuesday evenings;
Martin Tonge, for being so understanding over the past twelve months.
Three of the certificates were presented in person; the remainder were to be despatched to the recipients via the Postal Service.
7. Any Other Business
a Vote of Thanks
Chris Payne thanked the Members of the Executive Committee and all the TAFN Sub-Committees for their hard work during the year.
b Annual Subscriptions
Chris Payne announced, as a token offer to Yearly Members, that any member who paid their £9.00 subscription prior to 24th December, could
have their 2008 membership for the current cost, otherwise their annual subscription for 2008 would be at the new rate of £12.00.
8. Closure of Meeting
The meting closed at approximately 4:30 pm, after Audrey Tonge had thanked everyone for their attendance.
Audrey Tonge
For and on behalf of The Accessible Friends Network, Executive Committee
Minuted by Irene Elbourn