Minutes of the TAFN AGM, held on Saturday 4 July 2015 commencing at 3 pm.
1. Roll Call
- Harry Mason, Chair
- Shirley Grant, Vice Chair/Vice Treasurer
- John Wells, Treasurer
- Amanda Burt, Secretary
- Mark Tyler, Webmaster
- Tony Bowers, Exec Officer
Ann Saunders, David Richards, Elisabeth Standen, Gladys Taylor, Greg Hamilton, Jacqui Glyn, John Hosch, John Wilsher, John Pitts, Justin Macleod, Lisa Peck, Malcolm Price, Martin Foden, Maurice Pothecary, Michelle Collins, Peter Hallam, Sal Pitts, Sharon Bowell, Stanley Saunders, Stephen Evans, Steve Pallett, Sue Pallett, Trevor Franklin.
2. Apologies
Linda Arnott, Gary Price, Ian White, Katie Myers, Miriam Raymond, and Roma Creech.
3. Annual Report
The Annual Report was then read to the meeting.
4. Annual Awards
The First award to be presented was the tech award. Before this was presented, Harry did thank Mark Tyler and Peter Hallam for their technical support over the past year. Harry then presented the Tech Award to Greg Hamilton. Harry thanked Greg for all his help and assistance he had given to people over the past year, as part of the helpdesk team. Greg has also given a lot of his time to assist people not as part of the helpdesk team, and Harry thanked him for this.
Greg thanked everyone for this award.
Everyone congratulated Greg on winning this award and thanked him for all his work over the past year.
The next award was for the committee volunteer. This award was presented to Monique Lanott, for all the volunteer work she does. Monique was in the MAD Committee and was always willing to do any jobs that needed to be done. She is reliable and always willing to help in any way she can. Other people to be commended for their work in this section include Amanda Burt and Mark Tyler.
Harry congratulated Monique on winning this award.
The Education and Training Award was presented to Greg Hamilton. Greg is always willing to train people on how to complete a task whenever they need assistance. Other People mentioned were Elisabeth Standen and Carol Forester.
Greg thanked everyone for this award. Members then went on to congratulate Greg on the winning of this award.
The Consistent Participant award was presented to Ann Saunders. Ann attends as many events as she can, and she also sends apologies if she is unable to attend any events. Sal Pitts was also mentioned as well as David R, as they also attend many events.
Ann thanked everyone for this award.
The New Member award was presented to John Gallagher. John is very enthusiastic and has been attending lots of events. Paul Brooks and Paul Smith were also mentioned.
The Long Standing Member Award was presented to Linda Tyler.
Members all congratulated Linda on winning this award.
The Event Host of the Year Award was presented to Tony Bowers. Tony is always willing to step in where necessary. Also mentioned was Catherine McManus.
Everyone congratulated Tony on winning this award.
The Event of the Year Award was presented to theme night. This event is never cancelled, people always fill in if need be. Big congratulations to all the theme night organisers. A mention was also given to the May Day event.
Everyone congratulated the theme night hosts for running this event.
The Behind the Scenes Award was presented to Sharon Bowell. Sharon writes up the minutes and has done a lot of proofreading for the website. Also well worth a mention was Linda Tyler.
Members congratulated Sharon on winning this award.
The Spreading the Word Award was given to Carl Macar. Other people to be mentioned were Elisabeth Standen and Ann Saunders.
Everyone congratulated Carl on winning this award.
The final award, the Member of the Year award was presented to Mark Tyler. Mark is always willing to help everyone, and has put in a lot of work on the website and other things over the past year.
Everyone congratulated Mark on winning this award, as he thoroughly deserves to win it.
Harry congratulated everyone who won an award,
and then thanked everyone for attending the AGM. Harry also thanked Mark for keeping the meeting flowing smoothly.