Gladys Taylor LLSA GSSR Col.T (Dip.)
about Dr. Edward Bach
The thirty eight remedies
The Rescue Remedy
Free downloads
‘Heal Thyself ‘ by Dr. Edward Bach is free. Download from
Bach Centre
or request from RNIB library.
The Bach Centre says
“This work of healing has been done, and published and given freely so that people like yourselves can help yourselves”
The Bach Rescue Remedy – a combination of five of the thirty eight flower remedies.
These are:
Cherry Plum for irrational thoughts, self control , despair
Clematis for focus and inattentiveness
Impatiens for Irritability and impatience
Rock Rose for terror and panic
Star of Bethlehem for shock
Use four drops of Rescue on the tongue at times of stress – accidents, fears, the dentist, flying, job interviews, going into hospital,
exams, moving house, panic or shock of any sort.
To access and choose from the list of 38 Remedies go to
Bach Centre
Home Page – Remedies
On this page go to the heading – All about Bach Remedies
Arrow down to the link
Bach Remedy System. Here there is a list of the 38 remedies with a short description of their purpose.
Where to Buy
They are available from chemists and health food shops, or online from The Bach Centre.
My experience of The remedies
These little bottles have become trusted friends. The first one I bought was the best known of all, Bach Rescue Remedy.
I never fly without Rescue in some form. Nowadays you can buy it as pastilles. So no need to worry about taking liquid aboard. This remedy has been a constant support during the past six years of study. It helped me keep focus on the task. I am inclined to panic, and this makes me afraid my work is never good enough.
Apart from using the remedies myself, Rescue was a must in my treatment room. I carry it with me. A member of my family finds it invaluable for restless legs syndrome.
The beauty of these remedies is that, over time, you learn to choose the one you need because you learn to know your self.
A few years ago, after reading widely about the remedies I did the first course
with the Bach Centre. They were supportive, and sent the course on floppy disc. This meant I could type answers in appropriate boxes before printing and posting .
If you are interested in learning more
There are three courses:
Beginner – This means you can treat your self, friends and relatives.
Intermediate – This must be done if you intend to do the third course.
Advanced – This must be completed so that you gain a licence.
This is important, because It gives you the legal right to prescribe remedies for others.
It complies with The Medicines Act, October 1968, the section which deals
with Homeopathy, Herbalism and All Plant Extracts.
This section of the act applies to all manner of substances, pills and potions which are
put in the body, such as Bach Flower Essences and essential oils, (absorbed by the lungs or the skin) or
anything which is taken by mouth.
To comply with the Medicines Act, my aromatherapy qualification supplies me with a licence. I can legally use essential oils as detailed on the certificate awarded when I gained my qualification.
I decided the introductory course was enough for me to understand the Bach FlowerEssences and recommend them to others. The Bach Centre points out they want us to pass on information freely. By doing this, I feel others learn about themselves, and retain their right of choice.
As someone wrote:
Life provides the canvas only you can do the painting!
RNIB has a wide range of books on Bach Flower Remedies. I have read authors such as,
Dr. Edward Bach, Nora Weekes, Julian Barnard, Suzy Howard, Stefan Ball, T. W. Hyne-Jones, and more!
One of the simplest little books is
Dictionary of the Bacch Flower Remedies by T. W. Hyne Jones.
He gives the positive and negative aspects of each remedy.
A leaflet, obtainable from some chemists etc. gives two key
words as a guide to each remedy.
The last I heard, there were two hundred and ninety two million combinations
of these remedies.
Some of the thirty eight remedies are for the personality, others for the
They work by flooding us with the opposing virtue, which encourages
“Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.”
Louise L. Hay (born 1926)
I have compiled these pages from knowledge gained for example, from courses, web pages on colour therapy, books, oils and experience of colour therapy use on myself and clients. Any books, imagery, products etcetera I mention are not written or made by me, and are therefore used at your own choice and risk.
Gladys Taylor