Whether you decide to make the alcoholic or non-alcoholic version of this
banana loaf, you won’t be disappointed with the result, I promise.

You will need:

  • 3 and a half oz, 100 g, sultanas.
  • 3 fl.oz, 75 ml, 4 or 5 tbsps of orange juice, or dark rum or bourbon.
  • 6 oz, 175 g, of plain flour.
  • 2 level tsps of baking powder.
  • half a tsp of bicarbonate of soda.
  • 4 and a half oz, 125 g, melted butter or margarine.
  • 5 oz, 150 g, of caster sugar.
  • 2 large eggs.
  • 4 small very ripe bananas mashed, weighing about 10 and a half oz, 300 g, weighed
    without their skins.
  • 2 and a half oz, 60 g, of chopped walnuts (optional).
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extractor essence.

You will need a 2 pound, 900 g, deep sided oblong loaf tin or bread
tin, either buttered and lightly floured, or lined with a non-stick paper case

  1. Put the sultanas and rum or orange juice into a small saucepan.
  2. Bring it gently to just boiling point but do not let it boil.
  3. Remove the pan from the heat, cover and leave for an hour if you can, or until the sultanas
    have absorbed most of the liquid, then drain.
    1. Pre-heat the oven to Gas Mark 3, 325 f, 170 c, 150 fan.

  • Melt the butter in a small pan on a low heat, stirring with a wooden
    spoon until you hear it sizzling a little and the knob of butter dissolves.
    Alternatively, you can melt it in a small bowl on medium power in the
    microwave checking and stirring it regularly until its runny.
  • Break your eggs separately to make sure they are fresh, then beat them together
    well with a fork.
  • Sift the flour, baking powder, bicarb and salt in to a medium sized mixing bowl.
  • using your hands or a wooden spoon combine together well.
  • Now, in a large mixing bowl, put the melted butter and sugar and beat with
    a wooden spoon until blended.
  • Add the eggs a little at a time, followed by the
    mashed bananas.
  • Then with your wooden spoon, stir in the walnuts, drained sultanas and vanilla
    extract or essence.
  • Now, using a tablespoon, fold in the flour mixture, a third at a time, stirring
    well after each addition.
  • You will now have a soft dropping consistency where the mixture will fall
    easily from the spoon.
  • Spoon into the prepared loaf tin, level the top with a flat-bladed knife,
    and bake in the centre of the oven for between one hour and an hour and
    a quarter, as you may find that it cooks a little more quickly in a fan oven.
  • When it is ready, if you insert a fine skewer into the centre, it should
    come out feeling slightly sticky but clean.

    Leave in the tin to cool, and eat thickly or finely sliced, as you prefer.

    This cake keeps well, stored in an airtight tin.