To serve 2
You will need:

  • 1 medium to large sized vegetable marrow.
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  • 2 oz, 50 g, of butter or margarine.
  • 1 tall tin approx 410 g of chopped tomatoes.
  • 4 oz, 110 g, strong flavoured cheese,
    4 oz, 110 g, of white bread about 3 large thick slices.
  • 1 medium onion.
  • 1 tbsp of cooking oil.
  • a sprinkling of dried basil.
  • 1 tbsp of granulated sugar.

Set the oven to Gas Mark 5, 350 f, 190 c, 170 fan.

  1. Peel the marrow, Remove and discard a small slice from both ends, cut it
    into rings that are about an inch, 2.5 cm, thick.
  2. Take out the seeds. They are all contained in the centre of the marrow.
    This means pushing out the whole of the middle of each slice, you can
    do this easily with your fingers, get rid of anything that feels pulpy and soft,
    you will then be left with firm hoops of marrow. Cut each ring through
    again to form half circles.
  3. Put the marrow into a large, deep sided roasting tin in a single layer.
  4. Dot with the butter or margarine, then sprinkle on a little salt and pepper.
    Cover with a lid or baking foil.
  5. Transfer the tin to the pre-heated oven and cook for about 35to 40 minutes
    or until the marrow is soft when you test it with a fork.
  6. While the marrow is cooking, you’ll have plenty of time to prepare the topping.
  7. Peel the onion and chop it finely. Fry it in the oil in a small saucepan for about 5 minutes until its slightly
    soft, keep the heat low and stir occasionally to prevent any sticking. remove the pan from the heat.
  8. Make the breadcrumbs by breaking the slices into small pieces and dropping
    them into a blender, liquidiser or food processor. Only use the pulse
    setting, activating the machine for short bursts while adding the bread, so
    that it doesn’t become too fine. If you are using a liquidizer you
    may have to do this a slice at a time.
  9. Tip the crumbs into a clean bowl and add the fried onions and dried basil,
    stirring with a fork just to mix them all together.
  10. Grate the cheese, either by using the coarse side of a metal grater, standing
    on a plate, or into a self contained box grater.
  11. When the marrow is cooked, transfer the tin to a heat resistant worktop.
  12. Turn up the oven to Gas Mark 7, 400 f, 220 c, 200 fan.
  13. Uncover the marrow. Pour the whole contents of the tin of tomatoes over the top, spreading it
    out evenly.
  14. Sprinkle over the tablespoon of granulated sugar.
  15. Spread the breadcrumb mixture in an even layer over the tomatoes, you
    can easily do this with your fingers.
  16. Finally, top evenly with the grated cheese.
  17. Now, Put the tin back into the oven and cook for a further 15 to 20 minutes,
    by which time the cheese will have melted and become slightly firm and crisp
    on top.

Serve it up on to warmed plates immediately.
Eat it with crusty bread and butter.

This dish can either be eaten as a midday meal or a supper dish and it tastes
just as good with or without the cheese.