Peeling Root Vegetables
The Potato
Let’s take a look at root vegetables first, starting with the good old favourite staple carbohydrate the potato.
Try to choose those with as few dips and hollows as possible, the more even the surface the easier it will be to peel.
Hold the peeler as I have described above, and as you bring it towards you, removing the peel you will notice that there will be quite a starchy surface, take off as much peel as you can by turning the potato round, dipping it into the bowl of water every now and again so that the starch is removed, then you’ll be able to distinguish the raised unpeeled areas.
Some potatoes will still feel naturally grainy.
Any small, rough, dents, (eyes), should be carefully removed with the point of a short bladed vegetable knife.
You won’t need to dig very far down to remove them, just lay the potato down on your paper, take the knife in your hand and gently guide the point into the centre of the dent, press down slightly, easing the point upwards and (for safety) away from your hand.
This should dislodge that little rough area so that you can either pick it out and drop it on to the paper or wash it out in the water.