Justin Macleod: Welcomed everyone to this Special Meeting to reveal the
results of the Executive Committee Election, and also to be conducting the
Vote for Vice Chair.
01. Roll Call.
Harry Mason. Chairman.
Chris Payne. Treasurer and Memberships Administrator.
Amanda Burt. Secretary.
Mark Tyler. Assistant Web Master.
Justin Macleod. Events Co ordinator.
Carol Forrester. Executive Officer.
Alan Davis, Alicey Hartog, Ann Saunders, Brian Clayton, Christine Brown,
Christine Mason, David Norton, David Richards, Elisabeth Standen, Gladys
Taylor, Greg Hamilton, Huug Hartog, Ian White, Janet Mortimer, John Hosch,
John Hinchliffe, John Pitts, John Wilsher, Julie Richards, June Porter,
Katie Myers, Keith Waters, Lee Garrett, Lilian Stubbs, Linda Tyler, Lisa
Peck, Lynette Norton, Malcolm Price, Mandy Clayton, Margaret Cooper, Martin
Foden, Maurice Pothecary, Michelle Collins, Michael Brown, Miriam Raymond,
Monique Lannott, Peter Beasley, Peter Hallam, Roma Creech, Sal Pitts, Sandra
Henshall, Sharon Bowell, Shirley Grant, Stanley Saunders, Stephen Evans,
Stephen Hassall, Steve Hyde-Dryden, Steve Pallett, Sue Pallett, Teresa
Payne, Tony Bowers, Wendy Dundas.
02. Apologies.
Andrew Payne, Ayesha Bhatia, Billy Whitcombe, Charlotte Payne, Gary Price,
Jayne Connor, John Wells, Michael Payne.
03. Results Of Election.
Justin Macleod: First of all he’d like to say a huge thank you to everybody
who took the trouble to Vote. To put their name forward for an Executive
Position. Obviously without an Exec, we can’t have a TAFN. To Sandra for
so ably guiding him through the Vote Counting Process, as a more experienced
Vote Counter than himself. He doesn’t know what he would have done without
her. There have been some technical difficulties. The Voting Booth had an
unexplained problem. Thank you to Mark for looking into that. It’s now
fixed. It’s fixed itself for a reason we can’t fathom. And there were
problems with the Mailman List, which Mark is aware of. Regardless of his
success or not in this Election, he’s sure he will be able to take those
technical problems forward, because it is very important that they are
solved, for the next Vote, whatever that may be. He can confirm, as he
said, yesterday on the Announce List, that only 1 Member seems to have been
effected, by this Voting Problem we’ve been experiencing, by Email.
Everything else seems to have been in order, judging by the number of Emails
we haven’t received, saying people have Voted, and we didn’t receive them.
So without further ado, and not in the style of Dermot O’Leary, because
we’ll be here all night, he shall announce the result, and then he shall ask
Sandra to confirm them. 104 people Voted. 87 by Email. And 17 by Voting
Booth. As requested, apparently, this is the way we usually do things, he
will be announcing the Positions in reverse order.
So we start with the Executive Officers; 6 Candidates stood. And the
number of Votes they received are as follows:
- Michelle Collins received 15 Votes
- Steve Hyde-Dryden received 17 Votes.
- Monique Lannott received 32 Votes
- Catherine McManus received 34 Votes.
- Shirley Grant received 52 Votes
- Tony Bowers received 58 Votes
- Sharon Bowell received 43 Votes.
- Amanda Burt received 61 Votes.
- Chris Payne received 50 Votes.
- John Wells received 54 Votes.
- Amanda Burt
- John Wells
- Lee Garrett
- Shirley Grant.
therefore, Shirley Grant and Tony Bowers will be taking Office as the New
Executive Officers. Sandra Henshall confirmed the Votes.
We move on to Events Co ordinator; 1 Candidate stood. That was Lee
Garrett. He received 56 Confidence Votes. And therefore, will be taking
Office as the New Events Co ordinator. Sandra Henshall confirmed the Votes.
Next up, we have Web Master; 1 Candidate stood. That was Mark Tyler. He
received 101 Confidence Votes. And therefore, will be taking Office as the
New Web Master. Sandra Henshall confirmed the Votes.
Next, we have Secretary; 2 Candidates stood.
Therefore, Amanda Burt will be taking office as the New Secretary. Sandra Henshall confirmed the Votes.
Next, we have the Treasurer and Memberships Administrator; 2 Candidates
Therefore, John Wells will be taking Office as the New Treasurer and
Memberships Administrator. Sandra Henshall confirmed the Votes.
Now, last but not least, Chair; 1 Candidate stood. That was Harry Mason.
He received 92 Confidence Votes. And therefore, will be taking Office as
the New Chair. Sandra Henshall confirmed the Votes.
He would just like to say a huge thank you, to everybody who has sat on the
Outgoing Exec, and congratulate all the Candidates who stood, regardless of
Election or not. Hopefully, those who aren’t Elected will consider standing
for other positions and filling other roles, there’s certainly plenty of
them to go around. Well done to all of you. And good luck for 2015.
A number of Members then congratulated the New Executive Committee, and gave
commiserations to the losing Candidates.
04. The Election Of The Vice Chair.
Justin then explained that the Vice Chair assists the Chair and would take
over the Charity if the Chair resigned for any reason, if there were less
than 6 months left of the term. Would Chair Member’s Meetings in the actual
Chair’s absence. And would also Chair Exec Meetings in the Chair’s absence.
You have 4 Candidates and they are:
Justin then took Individual Votes from all the Members in the room via Text
Message. This took approximately 45 minutes.
Justin then announced that Shirley Grant received the Highest Vote.
As the Chairman had had to leave, Shirley gave her thanks, to all Members
and duly closed the Meeting.