Copying Album Information With C-Dex If you need to copy the track listing from an album into a notepad or word processing program for reference purposes, following the steps below will guide you through this process. 1. Open c-Dex 2. Place the CD into the CD/DVD drive. 3. Wait a few seconds for the CD to spin up. 4. The track listing will now be on the screen. 5. You can use the up and down arrows to read through the list. 6. Now press the keystroke "Alt+e" to open the "Edit" menu. 7. Arrow down once to "Copy album info to clipboard" and press the "Enter" key. 8. The track listing is now on the clipboard. 9. Open Notepad, wordpad or Word etc and when the blank document loads, press the keystroke "Ctrl+v" to paste the information. 10. Your document should now display the track listing.