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We’re glad you are here, whether you’re blind, vision impaired, or you are the friend or family member of someone with a vision impairment.
Our mission at TAFN is to provide friendship and support for people with vision impairments. We are a nonprofit organization located
in the United Kingdom. Our members come from around the world and every walk of life. Although from diverse cultures, we
have similar experiences of living with visual impairment. AT TAFN we share our strengths, hopes, experiences, laughter and successes.
Who Are We?
TAFN is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting people with vision impairments. Our board and leadership committees are staffed by people with visual impairments. Our members elect board members and are instrumental in shaping TAFN’s policies and plans for the future.
Our funding comes from donations, membership fees, bequests, and grants.
Gift Aid
Having recently become a Member of TAFN (assuming
you are a UK Taxpayer),
would you be prepared to allow TAFN to
claim Gift Aid on any donations which you may decide to make in the
If so please contact our Treasurer
Our Patron